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Bekasi recent comments:

  • my home, rudik3055 wrote 15 years ago:
    rumah kampret kale....
  • JARIMATIKA MAGIC FINGER, wahyufeb wrote 15 years ago:
    Please visit our website at:
  • Masjid Raya Al Hidayah, Perumnas 3 Bekasi Timur, jenni trama rizki (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    kirim ke fb saya ya ni
  • Masjid Raya Al Hidayah, Perumnas 3 Bekasi Timur, jenni trama rizki (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    bu minta foto pas lg skolah dong anak2 jbolan taun 2006
  • perumahan guru darussalam, guru rendahan (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    perumahan ini di bangun dengan hasil ngutang di bank. Bayarnya gaji guru di potong langsung. bagi yang ngajar lessnya dan bisnisnya di sekolah banyak enak. Tapi bagi guru rendahan kaya saya, anak kadang makan kadang nggak.Orang lain mah boro-boro mau bagi-bagi bisnis yang penting diri sendiri dulu perutnya sampai buncit.
  • SMP SYAHID , ule (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    iya... alhmdullh sdh beranjak menuju kemjuan do'kn aja ya wahai murid2ku mudah2n kelak kau akan berhasil jangan malas2 dlam belajar ya
  • SMP SYAHID , Afni (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    mantap...dulu waktu sy sklh belm ada... majulah terus almamaterku disana dl q dibesrkan... dibimbing...
  • gang jambu, beck (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    my humz
  • TAMAN RESTO RAWALUMBU (021) 9346.1965 atau (021) 8242.8777 , Dwiki wrote 15 years ago:
    Wuihh,,.. ayam bakarnya TOP deh,...
  • PUP Blok CC4, asdfasdf (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    PUP CC4
  • SMK Bina Karya Mandiri 2, ks (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    smk 2 bisda
  • Mushola, jokoriyanto_tsn wrote 15 years ago:
    Ini mushola sm Majlis Ta'lim Al Maghfiroh.yang tia hari buat ngaji anak-anak dan kalo malem minggu buat pengajian Bapak-bapak.
  • SDN Mustika Jaya 6, wangsakm23 wrote 15 years ago:
    Itu Sekolah SD saya?
  • Sekolah TK-SMA St.Bellarminus, doedoeng wrote 15 years ago:
    St. Bellarminus College Foundation was founded in 1952 by the Santa Teresa Parish Council, as the fruit of the board thought the main purpose is to assist poor communities and especially to accommodate the children who are not accommodated in the Santa Teresa Elementary School. St. Bellarminus School With support from the Archdiocese of Jakarta, Yayasan Bellarminus College St. has the school complex 2, SD-SMP-SMA Santo Bellarminus Jakarta and TK-SD-SMP-SMA St. Bellarminus Bekasi, which got a rating TERAKRIDITASI "A" by the Ministry of National Education . It is no exaggeration Bellarminus Foundation College St. Bekasi so optimistic in carrying out the moral and social obligation to remember the sources of power that this foundation is the Human Resources vibrant, superior professionalism, dedication and commitment to produce the best, of mutual interest.
  • rumah yuchib, yuchib (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    yuchibs home :D
  • rumah iyonk,anak vuteq japan, org rw.kalonx (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    ni nyonk bonlap..?
  • Kontrakan NELVIRAWATI PT. SeAH Precision Metal Indonesia, org rw.kalonx (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    mba nelvira..mnt FB ny..
  • Nabila Ayu Azmi Home, Nabila (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Please approve my place.. Thanks
  • SMK NEGERI 2 KOTA BEKASI, fastening wrote 15 years ago:
    Undangan Field Trip Exclusive- Reservasi Kunjungan Siswa/siswi sekolah anda di no TELP (021)8710641, Exclusive Field TripUndangan ini adalah Undangan Field Trip VIP <Exclusive> di Bidang Sains Teknologi&Fashion serta Exclusive Workshop-tanpa Pungutan Pembayaran. Segmentasi Program ini adalah: 1. Pengenalan Sain Teknologi Terapan 2. Manufacture Process 3. Exclusive Workshop u/ Siswa/Siwi
  • Sekolahan IPEKA (Gedung baru), fastening wrote 15 years ago:
    Undangan Field Trip Exclusive- Reservasi Kunjungan Siswa/siswi sekolah anda di no TELP (021)8710641, Exclusive Field TripUndangan ini adalah Undangan Field Trip VIP <Exclusive> di Bidang Sains Teknologi&Fashion serta Exclusive Workshop-tanpa Pungutan Pembayaran. Segmentasi Program ini adalah: 1. Pengenalan Sain Teknologi Terapan 2. Manufacture Process 3. Exclusive Workshop u/ Siswa/Siswi